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Skiing in Poiana Brasov

The largest ski resort in Romania.
Come and join Skiing in Poiana Brașov and
Find out why it’s not only the largest but also the most popular and fun.

Beginner Skier’s Quick Guide in Poiana Brașov

1. Book an instructor

If the guide were made by a hotel, then accommodation would be the first priority, of course. However, since the guide is made by instructors, this is the main thing to do: call at 0727133521 or write to us on WhatsApp or email.

About costs, you can read here, and for availability, you can find out more on the phone.

2. Book accommodation

Obviously, the earlier you book, the better chance you have of finding something closer, cheaper, and nicer. There is also the option to stay in Brasov and come to Poiana daily if you would like to spend your afternoons in the most beautiful city in the country. Here, we have no other recommendation other than Brasov Ski Residence and Bike House.

3. Teleport to Poiana Brașov

Here we have a few scenarios, all involving road vehicles, whether they are buses, private cars, or taxis. There are only two roads that lead to Poiana Brașov.

By car:

a. from Brasov – on DN1E – starting from Livada Poștei and it is a well-maintained, marked, and often crowded 12km road, especially during peak hours (11-13 going up and 15-16 going down) on weekends (Saturday and Sunday).
b. from Râșnov – on DN1E – starting from near the center of the town, passing by DinoPark and ascending for 10.3km on an asphalt almost identical in quality to that of Brasov.

By public transport

RATBV Line 20 (the municipal public transport company of Brasov). It costs 4 lei (one way) and departs every 20 minutes, more frequently on weekends. Tickets can be purchased at the bus station, through the 24pay app, or, when it doesn’t give an error, can be paid directly with a card. You can also go without a ticket, but checks are extremely frequent, and the chance of being fined is somewhere around 60-70%.

Now, in winter, you can also take a direct bus from Brasov Train Station, Line 100, which has the advantage of dropping you at the Gondola, but given that you are here for your first ski lesson, you don’t really need to go to the “Gondola” with us unless you insist on skiing together on the Stadion slope, a smaller and more boring slope.

You can find more details HERE, on the dedicated page.

Pro Tip: If you are in Livada Poștei, missed bus 20, and are in a hurry not to be late for the scheduled ski lesson, hitchhike, and someone will surely pick you up to Poiana in a maximum of 5 minutes.

4. Park your car

Skip this section if you have booked a hotel in Poiana or if you are coming with bus 20 or 100.

In Poiana, there are several public and private parking lots, all with fees.

Public parking lots

Have the lowest tariff (3 lei/hour or 24 lei/day) and the most parking spaces.

The first one, coming from Brasov, is the multi-level one in Poiana Mică, with 434 narrow spaces, from where we can take a shuttle to Parcarea Mare or to the gondola. It is the safest and cheapest choice if:
– You don’t have an SUV with something on the roof (ski rack, box, antenna, beacon, etc.)
– It’s snowing heavily – you don’t have to clean the snow from the car, no problems at the entrance and exit
– It’s very crowded.

The second is Parcarea Mare – you can’t miss it. It has almost 700 spaces, if a few tens are not used for storing abundant snow.

The third is a little behind Parcarea Mare, after a 150-degree counterclockwise turn, the parking lot extending the entire length of Poiana Ursului street, at the end of which is the third public parking lot, with a few tens of spaces.

The fourth parking lot is in front of the restaurant Șura Dacilor, across from the bazaar, just after Lake Miorița. It has approximately 100 spaces and fills up quite quickly.

The fifth parking lot, but which is practically always full, is the one at Gondola. It is also the most coveted, being the closest. It has about 50 spaces, of which at least 15 are reserved for various entities.

Private parking lots

Often a bit or much more expensive than public ones.
The first two are on Valea Draga Street, they can accommodate several hundred cars and have variable rates depending on

5. Rent Equipment (if needed)

In Poiana, I believe you can find the most rental centers in Romania.
For the first lesson, we recommend only those that are clean and the right size.

We recommend the center we go to, even though it doesn’t offer us any commission. It doesn’t even have a website, but at least it has the lowest prices on Pârtia Bradul, and you come out directly onto the slope. It’s called Bradul Ski Land, and it’s an unpretentious place. You can find rental rates here, updated on December 2, 2023.

Claudiu, the host, is the nicest person, as long as you’re not late.

On the opposite side, you find the highest quality towards the gondola, at InterSki, where everything tends towards perfection, and the prices are accordingly higher, with new equipment every season. Another decent rental at reasonable prices is the one in the gondola building, where surprisingly it’s not crowded.

6. Get a Cable Car Pass

Although there is a single pass throughout the resort, the variation in types of passes is EXTREMELY wide.

In summary, you can get passes with points and passes for time.

Points range from 6 to 240, and the time-based ones range from 2 hours to 20 consecutive days, and there is even a season pass.

Pro Tip: If you don’t decide very quickly, don’t take time-based passes; they are a waste of money. If you don’t ski at least a few days, don’t buy too many points, as they expire at the end of the season, and you can’t recover money from unused points.

See the Complete Guide to Cable Car Transport in Poiana Brașov here.

7. Meet the Instructor

Every ski lesson starts with a short but efficient warm-up session. We recommend doing it before meeting us because we come already warmed up.

We leave here a video with the recommended warm-up before skiing.

8. Do the Homework Given by the Instructor, Then a Stretching Session

We understood the role of homework from school only when we suggested to students to practice after learning each new thing.

In practice, we recommend that after each lesson where you will surely learn something new, practice for another 2 hours ONLY the things you learned in this most recent meeting.

This way, the new skills settle in and become much better grounded, so that in the next lesson, we can learn more new things rather than repeat things that didn’t go well from the previous lesson.
This can reduce the time spent with the instructor to less than half.

But we know that you actually like our company, and that’s why you don’t do your homework.

Pro Tip: Don’t forget about stretching.

9. Congratulations, Now You Deserve Your Meal

If there’s one thing Poiana Brașov doesn’t lack, it’s certainly food.

Every hotel (and there are MANY hotels) has its own restaurant, in addition to those that only function as restaurants.

Not to mention the two cabins, Postăvaru and Yager, where the food is absolutely delicious at the first and absolutely expensive at the second.

Of course, the langos full of cheese and garlic is incomparable. Or maybe just with the delicious Kurtos you get from the same street-food kiosks.